PROJECT Protection of the European mink (Mustela lutreola L., 1761) in Poland

Project description

  • Development of a coherent and comprehensive plan for the protection of the European mink (Mustela lutreola, 1761), enabling the preservation of the gene pool of the subspecies native for the territory of Poland.
  • Creation of a genetically effective breeding base and restitution of the species in Poland.
  • Public interest in the problem of protecting the European mink.
  • Creating a platform for exchanging information on the species on a national and European scale, enabling integration and involvement of groups that may have a significant impact on the protection of the species.


  1. Development of the necessary documentation and creation of a strategy for the restoration and protection of the species.
  2. Monitoring of the population of feral American mink (Noegale vison, 1777) in Poland.
  3. Information and education activities for environments that have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the proposed protective measures (26th Mustelid Colloquium – Budapest, 28-31.08.2008, 11th National Theriological Conference – Poznań, 07-09.09.2009, 27th Mustelid Colloquium – Lisbon, 18-20.11. 2009).


Green Federation “GAIA” association (Lead Partner)
Polish Society for Conservation Genetics LUTREOLA (Project Partner)



May 2008–present


Green Federation “GAIA” association

Project website