Statute of the European Mink Centre

§1 General provisions

  1. These Statute defines the rules of operation and work of the European Mink Centre, hereinafter referred to as the Centre.
  2. The Centre is an organizational unit of the Green Federation “GAIA” association without legal personality, established on the basis of the Resolution of the Board of the Green Federation “GAIA” No. 12/2021 of October 27, 2021 and the Act of Establishment of the European Mink Centre of October 29, 2021.
  3. The Centre operates on the basis of generally applicable laws, the Statute of the Green Federation “GAIA” association – Resolution of the General Assembly of Members of the Green Federation “GAIA” No. 14/2020 of September 29, 2020 and these Statute.
  4. The official translation of the name of the [Pol.] Centrum Norki Europejskiej into English is European Mink Centre, into German – Europäische Nerz Zentrum, and into Russian – Центр Европейской Норки.
  5. It is allowed to use the abbreviation of the name of the Centre – CNE (in Polish), EMC (in English), ENZ (in German) and ЦЕН (in Russian).
  6. The Centre may use a distinctive graphic sign (logo), in the form of a graphic element of the logotype of the Polish Society for Conservation Genetics LUTREOLA, in accordance with the terms of access specified in the Resolution of the Board of the Polish Society for Conservation Genetics LUTREOLA No. 2/2022 of January 7, 2022.


§2 Mission and objectives

  1. The mission of the Centre is to stop the extinction of the European mink Mustela lutreola and restitution of the species by initiating, conducting and supporting research, networking, archiving, implementation and popularization activities in the field of conservation biology of the European mink.
  2. The aim of the Centre is:
    1. popularization and promotion of the idea of protecting the critically endangered European mink,
    2. conducting and developing international cooperation in the European mink conservation, creating favourable conditions for the protection of the European mink in public space,
    3. initiating and supporting scientific and research activity in the field of conservation biology of the European mink,
    4. promoting modern knowledge in the field of conservation biology of the European mink,
    5. action for the practical application of the achievements of conservation biology in the protection of the European mink,
    6. participation in the development and implementation of the national and international policy for the conservation of the European mink, as well as the implementation of the obligations undertaken by the Republic of Poland under the European Union and international nature conservation law in this respect,
    7. cooperation in the implementation of these goals with scientific institutions, entities dealing with nature conservation, universities and all government, local government, private and non-governmental institutions – domestic, foreign and international.


§3 Ways of achieving goals

  1. The Centre pursues its goals by:
    1. creating and running a publicly available, multilingual internet platform called The European Mink Centre, operating as an information hub and think tank based on modern digital solutions, electronic media and remote communication, dedicated to international cooperation in the field of conservation biology and species protection of the European mink,
    2. initiating, supporting and conducting cooperation in the field of protection of the European mink, in particular through the transfer of know-what and know-how, exchange of experience, expert support, promotion of actions taken to protect the European mink,
    3. developing and implementing innovative solutions for the European mink conservation and supporting protection activities in relation to this species,
    4. archiving, cataloguing, digitization, reprographics, digitization and virtualization of bibliographic and museum resources devoted to the European mink and making them available in a publicly available online resource database,
    5. initiating, organizing, participating and conducting research, educational, popularizing and implementing activities in the field of conservation biology and protection of the European mink,
    6. presentation and popularization of the achievements of conservation biology of the European mink by organizing meetings, conventions, conferences, public lectures, trips, exhibitions, knowledge competitions,
    7. issuing scientific, popular science and popularizing publications dedicated to the European mink,
    8. monitoring the implementation of the national, European Union and international policy for the protection of the European mink by the Republic of Poland.
  2. It is allowed to use other forms of activity to achieve the objectives of the Centre.


§4 Council of the European Mink Centre

  1. The day-to-day activity of the Centre is carried out by the Council of the European Mink Centre, which consists of two representatives of the Green Federation “GAIA” association and one representative each of the University of Szczecin and the Polish Society for Conservation Genetics LUTREOLA.
  2. Members of the Council with a decisive vote are appointed pursuant to a written power of attorney, submitted to the other signatories of the European Mink Centre Establishment Act, referred to in § 1, point 2, and shall remain in force until the power of attorney is revoked.
  3. The Council is a collegial body, making decisions by a simple majority of votes.
  4. The work of the Council is managed by the Custodian of the European Mink Centre, who represents the Centre outside.
  5. The Custodian is appointed by the Green Federation “GAIA” association from among its representatives.
  6. The Custodian is supported by the 1st Vice-Custodian, who is a representative of the University of Szczecin, and the 2nd Vice-Custodian, who is a representative of the Polish Society for Conservation Genetics LUTREOLA.
  7. In the case of an equal distribution of votes in the Council, the casting vote belongs to the Custodian.
  8. In the event of a long-term inability to perform the duties by the Custodian, this function is taken over, for this period, by the 1st Vice-Custodian.
  9. The Council may make decisions by correspondence vote or by means of remote communication, without the need to convene a meeting.
  10. The Council may include, in an advisory capacity, with a casting vote, representatives of domestic, foreign and international institutions dealing with the protection of the European mink, on the basis of a decision of the members of the Council.
  11. The powers of the Council include
    1. determining the main directions of operation and development of the Centre,
    2. achieving the objectives of the Centre and managing its activities in accordance with the provisions of this Statute and the documents indicated in § 1 point 3,
    3. adopting changes to the Statute of the Centre,
    4. acting on behalf of the Centre.
  12. Members of the Council perform their function pro bono.


§5 Final Provisions

  1. The financial costs of the Centre’s operation are borne by the Green Federation “GAIA”, which is the owner of the name of the Centre.
  2. The University of Szczecin and the Polish Society for Conservation Genetics LUTREOLA may voluntarily participate in the costs of the Centre’s operation, in accordance with their internal regulations and to the extent of their means and possibilities.
  3. Entities whose representatives are members of the Council undertake, in accordance with their internal regulations and as far as they have the means and possibilities, to substantively and organizationally support the functioning of the Centre and its promotion.
  4. In matters not covered by this Statute and the documents indicated in § 1 point 3, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.